Shayana Shop

Take A Toke Pipe

Shayanashop présente la Pipe "prends une taffe". Bien que nous soyons d'avis que tous devrait pouvoir pendre une taffe de ses herbes préférées quand et où il veut, il existent des gens qui ne seront pêut-être pas d'accord et vont essayer de l'interdire. A ces moments-la, ce serait donc bien de pouvoir fumer sans être vu. Et c'est là que cette fameuse pipe peut être très utile. C'est l'outil idéal pour fumer en tapinois. Comme c'est fermé, vous pouvez simplement prendre une taffe et la remettre dans votre poche.  

Taille: 6 cm

Commentaires Take a toke pipe Partagez votre expérience


Definitively the stealthiest device for smoking. If properly handed you can smoke among multitudes with little notice, because it doesn't releases smoke out to the air. Great for smoking alone too.


luv this pipe. their small and descret. just right for your pocket. ive used it with a number of people at once. but you gotta pack it good if more than 2 people. but there hard to find. im glad i found this site that carrys them. you will luv this pipe!!

I bought 1 of these 3 or 4 years ago and i still use it.
the bowl is perfect size for me. sometimes i smoke with a few ppl.. all you gotta do is grind and pack and it should burn verry good. my only problem with this is when it gets low and its cleaned it might burn your lip ive burned my lip plenty of times but its all good. id give this bullet pipe a 6.5 out of 10 beacuse of the burn part and i dont like the kinda loud whistle it makes when the cap is screwed on but all in all its worth the price. I couldent use it for for any special occasions tho. for christmas and new years I had to break out the hooka cause i was loaded with good christams herb. if your looking for a special pipe, you may wanna think about buying a water bong or a hooka.BTW i just smoked a gram of granddaddy of this pipe :)


I remember when my bro gave me this as a gift. it was way back when i first started smoking weed. At the time i thought it was great, and even today its nice for a quicky, but i would much rather use a nice glass bowl or a chillum. Just my style.

I love this thing. I own one and it's great. I use it all the time. But like the other person said, it's not good for large numbers. But if it's just you or somebody else then it's great. Holds alot of stuff too.


okay, not very good for large rotations, but its the perfect size to hide or get rid of easily if you need to, i gotan okay high...but everyones body is diffrent so go ahead and try it.

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