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Subdue Your Cravings!

Research shows that the greatest effect that

ephedra/ephedrine has on weight loss is its appetite

controlling ability. Unfortunately, outside of

ephedra/ephedrine, no dietary supplements exist that

effectively take care of this issue. A dietary

supplement is needed that has the appetite controlling

properties of ephedra/ephedrine but without the

potentially dangerous central nervous system

stimulation and jitters. After years of research, we

have brought Subdue™ to the market. Subdue™ is an

all-natural product that contains two ingredients

extracted from plants.
The first ingredient in Subdue™ is Jojoba Seed extract

standardized for Simmondsin. Simmondsin in the correct

dosages is a potently effective dietary supplement,

which gives the user an incredible amount of

self-control over their appetite. To give Subdue an

unbeatable one/two punch, we combined the Jojoba Seed

extract with Griffonia Simplicifolia Seed extract

standardized for 5-htp. 5-htp is an extremely well

studied and safe dietary supplement that gives appetite

self-control in a totally different way than

Simmondsin. Affecting the appetite through two totally

different mechanisms makes Subdue™ an unusually

effective product that is without compare. It is truly

the first dietary supplement that gives users the

ability to resist food in a way that makes

ephedra/ephedrine obsolete. 90 capsules per bottle.

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