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Micellean Graham Crackers

Micellean Graham Crackers
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Micellean provides a multi-species matrix of proteins designed to release in sustained chronological order to inhibit whole body protein breakdown (anti-catabolism) and prolong protein synthesis or anabolism (muscle building) for seven hours! Micellean Undenatured Micellar Casein, HGF (High Growth Factor) Whey Protein, Native (Skim Milk Derived) Whey Protein Isolate, Egg Albumen, L-Glutamine and Peptide Bonded Glutamine make up the spectrum of synergistic proteins in Micellean Bioactive Superfood. Micellean features 7-Hour Sustained Dispersion Anti-Catabolic Protein! For muscle growth, catabolism (muscle breakdown) is the enemy - and Micellean Bioactive Superfood is the answer. Catabolism begins 90 minutes after ingestion of Whey Protein and continues for many hours or until one hour after another meal is consumed. Micellean promotes anabolism (muscle building) and provides a 7-Hour steady release to combat catabolism and promote continued muscle growth. It's not squats; it's not low carb dieting or restricting water intake to several ounces per day. NO, it's not even the 10 to 15 painful injections per week. The killer challenge that bodybuilders, fitness competitors and everyone (you included) must endure is eating 6 to 7 real food meals everyday! Frequent consumption of real food is critical for building and maintaining a lean and muscular body. Anyone who has played the iron game long enough figures out that real food is superior than MRP's or protein shakes for bodybuilding success. This is precisely why VPX has been on a five year scientific journey to develop a supplement that possesses far greater anabolic and anti-catabolic properties than real food. In October of 2001 VPX celebrated victory over real food with a Bioactive Superfood called, Micellean!


Macronutrient Profile 45g of Sustained Dispersion Bioactive Proteins: HGF - High Growth Factor Whey Protein Micellean Undenatured Micellar Casein Native (Skim Milk Derived) Whey Protein Isolate Steady State Glycemic and Amino Acid Dispersion L-Glutamine & Peptide Bonded Glutamine Complex Unrefined Carbohydrates: Organic Whole Grains Brown Rice / Oatmeal / Barley Super High Fiber - 7.5 Grams Oligosaccharides Essential Fatty Acids: Whole Ground Flax Seed

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